• Post category:Outlook
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Passengers have decided which seats will be installed in future subway trains. An upright sitting position and support for the spine – these are the convincing features of the future seat in the subway. 5,600 passengers tried out three different models. 40 percent chose “Trigon” as the winner. The seats are made of wood and have a high-quality coating.

Sitze im X-Wagen
Three chairs were available for testing. The majority voted for “Trigon” (right).


X-CARS FROM 2020: Trigon will be used in the next generation of metro trains, the X-CARS. These will be used on lines Ul to U4 with crews. The first sets will be delivered in 2020. On the U5 line – due to open in 2024 – these new trains will then operate fully automatically.

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