
Vienna is growing and we have planned ahead. With the U2/U5 intersection, we are making sure that the public transport network grows together with the city, keeping it well connected as we head into the future.

Logo U2/U5-Ausbau

Project logo for the U2 / U5 subway development project
Wiener Linien

Travel from Rathaus to Matzleinsdorfer Platz without changing in Vienna is being given new lifelines so as to guarantee environmentally friendly mobility in the future for everyone in the city.

U2/U5 - Neue Strecke, Netzausbau

Expansion of the underground with the U2 direction to Matzleinsdorfer respectively Wienerberg and U5 to Frankhplatz/Altes AKH respectively Elterleinplatz
Wiener Linien

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Robert Reuss

    Bitte eine Karte zum reinzoomen wo der Verlauf sein wird! Niergendwo im Internet. Unfassbar. Danke.

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