• Post category:Mining
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Sinking
    • General term for the construction of vertical shafts or boreholes.
  • Drifting
    • General term for the construction of a pit or tunnel.
  • Support
    • Support within a mine or tunnel.
  • Fracture
    • Collapse of part of a mine.
  • Ventilation
    • Ventilation and ventilation.
  • Cut-through
    • Removal of the last material still separating two tunnel tubes to be connected.
  • Erbstollen
    • Adit for water solution or ventilation.
  • Erratic block
    • Geological obstacle (usually a single large stone in sandy or clayey soils).
  • Mine rescue team
    • Rescue force for use in mining, analogous to the fire department; consists of volunteer, specially qualified miners.
  • Cat
    • Motorized transport system suspended from the ceiling.
  • Mine surveyor
    • Underground surveyor.
  • Thickness
    • The thickness of a rock layer.
  • Coffin lid
    • A stone detaching from the ceiling without warning.
  • Face
    • Tunnel cross-sectional area at which the tunnel is driven forward.
  • Blind hole
    • A tunnel that ends as a “dead end” in the ground.
  • Invert
    • Lower boundary surface of a mine workings.
  • Strosse
  • Segments
    • Segments of cast iron, steel or concrete used for the watertight lining of shafts.
  • underground
    • Everything in the “hole”, be it tunnels, drifts, shafts or tunnels.
  • Weather
    • Totality of all gases in the mine

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