
In densely built-up areas, the foundations of buildings must be inspected toe decide on any measures to support and secure them.

Some 5,000 shafts are being dug manually to the bottom edge of the foundations along the new U2 and U5 routes. Samples are stored in so-called compartment boxes.

The condition of the masonry is also documented using photos and sketches.

Construction technicians analyse the information collected and, if necessary, the foundations are improved, which not only improves safety but also the long-term condition of the building.

Investigation of the house foundations

On behalf of MA 29, Bridge Construction and Foundation Engineering, shafts are being constructed to investigate the condition and extent of the house foundations.

Excerpts from a house folder

The house folder documents all foundations in order to be able to determine the statics of the building with regard to the tunnel construction work.

For the analysis, each sampling is documented in detail: A site plan shows the shape of the foundation and the sampling location of the soil sample.

The layer description contains the composition of the soil sample.

Foundation samples

Samples taken by hand are placed in so-called fan boxes and labeled.

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